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on August 10,toddler girls clothes fall, 2010. Since precious has been born valuable for 8 months, has been breast feeding (on this spot, mother is very proud). Baby 4 half a month start to add the supplementary food, the egg-yolk, the rice noodle, a fruit putty kind, may eat some small noodles to the present, the bouillabaisse, the gruel, have been very smooth. But lets mother have a headache only, is the baby does not like drinking water in vain. Each time drinks water to the baby, the baby on the strong protest,real baby dolls, the small mouth shuts tightly. Small time some, the baby also will drink fortunately some water, also had not thought that will feed the water to be too difficult. Now the baby is getting bigger and bigger, the motion strength is also getting stronger and stronger, each time drinks water to the baby,(Related Articlesbaby girls dresses Lets six moves which the baby s), the baby uses the microcheiria to push the milk bottle, behind and changes, or Tibet in mother the bosom, takes away until you the milk bottle. Certainly the baby is not the water does not drink, if mother exchanges a fruit juice in the water, the baby very much will like drinking,popular kids toys, what but mother will worry, cannot always drink fruit juice this kind of sweet thing, will be disadvantageous to baby's growth. Doesn't the baby, you like drinking water, how lets mother manage

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The melt initially entered preschool child's willful preschool education resources jy135.com [cover live] on 3 year-old cedar cedar the kindergarten. This is a good deed originally, now actually lets father and mother be heavyhearted.
Originally, starts when the cedar cedar is only in the morning, because is not willing to go to the kindergarten to make a tearful scene a while. Might afterward actually day-by-day become more and more willful, was agitated with is tenacious. For instance in mother meets on the road which the cedar cedar goes home, if cedar cedar's some request has not obtained immediately satisfies, the cedar cedar will lie prone in ground cries greatly noisily,baby girls clothes,(Related Articlescool kids clothing The main room gives the small 3 replies ltra satisfies a craving!!), will also kick hits lets mother get out of the way, how to roar her not to help matters. Once mother has the matter to ask others to go to the kindergarten to meet her, the cedar cedar " took to heart for this reason " for a long time, even the midnight woke from the bed shrinks ground, but also wanted mother " each family " the same acting " to meet again and again from the kindergarten her ". Afterward, the cedar cedar every day could find " the reason " hysteria to make a tearful scene 1-2 times, is noisy the whole family to be at a loss.

[expert analyzes]

Looks like cedar cedar such 3 year-old many children to be in the first psychological retrogradation time, they had the independent consciousness initially, had the sense of self-respect seed, wants to handle some matters independently, but self-control's ability is also very weak, sometimes will use to talk back, stamps the feet, the wail, will hit the human even to destroy ways and so on thing to express own will. This needs the guardian to understand the child patiently, the raise child, helped him to pass this time smoothly, will be present's development builds the foundation. According to the investigation, in this time,retro kids clothing, the approximately 50% children send one time at least in one week the temperament, in 11% child one day loses a temper at least.

[1 " cause of disease "]The education way too spoils

The child is willful, the uncombed hair temperament, often is the parents " the good nature " creates. Therefore the guardian first should inspect itself to child's education way, usually excessively spoils to the child, laissez faire? Will neglect even tacitly consents to their misdeed? Unconditionally will satisfy to the child and compromises?

The child cries the greatly noisy -> parents to submit the concessions, after withstanding the time test, the child will form one kind " the tossing about parents " behaviour pattern, and increasingly fierce. In this and parents' seesaw battle, the child becomes the winner who is ever-victorious, and in order parents, defeats in the parents to enjoy joyfully.

Solution: Establishment rule

Regarding is in the psychological retrogradation time child, the parents not only need in every possible way care for the first time looks after them, but must establish the rule for them, lets the child know that is assorted the request is reasonable, is assorted the matter not to be able to do, lets the child foster gradually listens to the truth, speaks the truth the custom, the academic society self-control.

The establishment rule's process needs guardian's patience to add the perseverance. When the child sets the unreasonable request, firm cannot comply. If the child does not listen to the truth, makes a tearful scene as before, the guardian may the cold treatment, let him make a tearful scene until is peaceful down, speaks the truth again. This kind round will occur repeatedly many times, but the guardian cannot certainly be tenderhearted. If had insisted five times, the sixth child is noisy too ominously is too long,baby boutiques, your heart one soft has compromised, that wasted all previous efforts. Therefore, regardless of how can insist, the child will discover finally will create a scene cannot serve the purpose, he gradually will give up this procedure. Preschool education network

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News prompt:

Several days ago, 6 year-old son Kang Kang (alias) is diagnosed has harassed for leukemia's reality whole family's normal life, is protecting the beloved son who carefully from Shanxi's pair of son's ordinary parents in the pain with the thick dear ones is sick. Looks that the young child withstands the indisposition to suffer, they are burning with impatience.

Kang Kang has critically ill, the urgently needed effective treatment. But defends nearby hospital bed's mother is breeding the new life exactly, but expected date of childbirth in the 15th of the month. A mother hand feels beloved son's cheek, handles gently is caressing the belly which sticks out, was hoping for must arrive at this world immediately the baby can take to elder brother the new student, hoped after matching the success, newborn's umbilical cord blood hemopoiesis stem cell can save elder brother the life.

On July 8, reporter saw in the Bethune International peace Hospital nosohemia branch hospital ward from Shanxi Qinyuan's Kang Kang. The child is lying down side mother,retro kids clothing, the leukemia suffers lets him look like somewhat weakly.

This gets sick too suddenly, has been too quick, is quick without enough time lets me accept this reality, mentions several day of ago the experience, Kang Kang's mother Li Ms. felt that has had likely a dream.

Several days ago, Kang the Kang not obvious cause appears gives off heat, afterward has the skin mucous membrane hemorrhage, the four limbs has the obvious ecchymosis. To further diagnose, the father, the grandfather led Kang Kang Yu on July 5 to arrive at the Bethune International peace Hospital. When in hospital, child whole body many place hemorrhages are obvious, in vivo blood platelet quantity reduces,toddler little girls clothes, but white blood cell's quantity is higher than the normal value scope by far.

Hereafter the diagnosis result lets in the whole family depth pain. According to doctor in charge Bethune International peace Hospital nosohemia branch the marquis sweet orchid smell introduced that undergoes the overall check, Kang Kang by the diagnosis is: The acute lymphocyte leukemia (T cell), the child gets up critically ill, the condition development is rapid, if is not prompt treats and cures can have life-threatening, doctor works out the therapeutic schedule immediately, carries out treatments and so on chemotherapy to Kang Kang.

Treats the leukemia using the hematopoietic stem cell transplant is the quite effective method, but this need carries on matches, generally in the non-blood relationship situation matches the success ratio approximately is 1/100000. With Kang Kang's father, in grandfather's exchange, doctor knew that Kang Kang mother Li Ms. is harboring the pregnancy,(Related Articlesbaby boutique bedding On March 9 chats pastes How), and the expected date of childbirth in July 15, this let Kang Kang's treatment present the dawn - -, because was the blood brother (younger sister),louis vuitton kids shoes, Kang Kang Yu soon was born younger brother (or younger sister) matched the success ratio to reach about 25%, comparatively, matched the success ratio to enhance greatly.

We reposed the hope on the baby body which soon was born, hoped that matched can succeed, defends before hospital bed's mother, a hand felt beloved son's cheek, handled gently is caressing the belly which stuck out, was hoping for must arrive at this world immediately the baby could take to elder brother the new student.

According to the marquis sweet orchid smell introduced that undergoes the inspection, at present Ms. Li's bodily target is normal. According to the present preliminary arrangement, hospital will implement the c-section about July 15 for her, and gathers the umbilical cord blood. Gathers the umbilical cord blood will be escorted to immediately Tianjin, will carry on the umbilical cord blood hemopoiesis stem cell separation, and will carry on matches and each kind of correlation detection, by determined whether suitable to carry on the transplant. Once matches being suitable, gathers hematopoietic stem cell quantity is appropriate, and each examination is normal, the hospital in Kang in the Kang physical requirements being suitable situation, will implement the umbilical cord blood hemopoiesis stem cell transplant.

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0-6 months

The baby just was born, mother must the especially careful.

1st, mothers at least 6 months later only then stops breast feeding.

2nd, baby generally when 4-6 months starts to increase the supplementary food.

3rd, if the baby to should eat the supplementary food time, he will display is unsatisfied to the dairy product, before sleep if rested the dawn, now frequently hungrily will awake.

4th, if mother in 6 months or later time increases the supplementary food for the baby, some babies will be chewing and swallow food aspect to have the difficulty.

5th, the best supplementary foods may choose the child rice noodle, the mashed potatoes, the carrot putty, the pear putty, the applesauce, banana putty and so on.

6th, if the supplementary food is too dry and hard, joins the boiled and cooled water or the child ordinary edible dairy product dilution.

7,6 months ago, do not eat to him includes the bran archery target thing, like barley, wheat, oats and so on.

8th, baby 12 months ago, do not increase the salt in his food, because the salt can give his kidney to create the burden, possibly causes dehydrates.

9th, between 6 to 12 months, the baby should drink 500ml-600ml every day the mother's milk or the formula milk.

10th, if you use the milk bottle to nurse, must clean and the high temperature disinfection milk bottle frequently, because the mother's milk or the milk are the hotbeds which the bacterium multiplies.

11th, if you manufacture food and place in the refrigerator spare, remembered that the mark manufacture date, do not deposit the long time.

12th, if took refrigerator's in thing defrosting to eat to the baby, do not eat again remains returns the remove or retain to eat next time.

13th, if eats defrosting to the baby food, certainly must guarantee that has boiled or with the microwave oven heating, after changing cool, eats again to the baby.

14th, eats the thing before to the baby, certainly must try food personally the temperature.

15th, tries to speak with the baby, encourages him to swallow food, guaranteed he in eats the thing time felt that comfortable and relaxation, lets him eat according to own rhythm.

16th, a patience spot, if the baby rejects solid from the very beginning food, also do not too worry. You may tomorrow continue to attempt.

17th, how does the baby want to study is using the tongue to advance food oral cavity's rear area. If therefore he eats the thing time makes in a complete mess, do not worry that all can be good.

18th, tries to feed the baby in the same time to eat the thing every day, such baby will form the habit gradually.

19th, lets you the baby have one to belong to own soup spoon, like this he will attempt himself to eat the thing. Certainly in the entire process, needs you to use your soup spoon to help him to carry on together.

20th, in 67 month-long time, your baby will be long the first tooth, along with tooth's growing, you may let him attempt the crude fiber food.

21st, when the baby may support own head when sits is straight, you may give him to choose a suitable baby chair, pays attention do not let the chair approach the wall, otherwise baby's head will possibly hit on the wall.

22nd, when baby in eats the thing time, do not let him stay.

23rd, moves his chair to the dinner table nearby, lets him and the whole family eats meal together.

6-12 months

Your baby starts to like itself eating the thing, drops to let him use the soup spoon, do not worry that makes the full table everywhere.

24th, your baby learned to crawl, therefore he needed more nutrition rich foods to provide the physical strength, for instance fish, grain, fruit and so on.

25th, do not worry that sweet and salty mixes in together, many babies like this kind of taste, the fruit adds the chicken is the delicacy which many babies most love.

26th, lets the baby attempt eats some between-meal snack, this may let him learn itself to eat the thing quickly. If he is cutting teeth, he definitely likes with the hand grabbing eats the thing, but is not with the soup spoon.

27th, between-meal snack must be able to let the baby grasp with the hand, must suffice softly, suits chews and swallows.

28th, has the suction pad's small bowl for the baby, such bowl is fixed will not move on the table.

29th, has frozen the vegetables or the fruit in the refrigerator is very suitable the baby mastication which cuts teeth, may try has frozen to skin the cucumber or the banana.

30th, if each time you feed the supplementary food to the baby time, he displays not the hungry appearance, he may reduce the dairy product the amount of radiation, but absorbs the nutrition from solid food.

31st, if the baby thought in the full meal gap has been thirsty, drank water the dairy product which to him or he usually drank, but kept the dilution fruit juice to the time which ate meal to him drinks.

32nd, drinks the cooled boiled water to the baby, bottled perhaps the canned mineral water possibly includes the high content mineral salt.

33rd, drinks the fruit juice which as far as possible to the baby presses out fresh, avoids the bottled sell the fruit juice, because in these fruit juice includes the sugar divides and the acidic material can harm baby's tooth. Dilutes all fruit juice, because regarding this age's child, the natural sugar minute may cause the dental caries, time the dilution proportion should be fruit juice exchanges five water.

34th, a baby year-old about time, tries to let him swear off the milk bottle, displaces has two handle's cups or the special training cup.

35th, do not believe that these said the honey, the fructose are a healthy sugar minute report, they can harm baby's tooth. After the baby has eaten these things, you should use the soft toothbrush or the clean gore are clean he the tooth.

12-18 months

This stage, baby's growth speed will reduce speed, the appetite will also be weaken, if he ate before were less than, mother did not use the worry completely.

36th, now, you should raise his good food habit. Every day should better be able to eat 5, the fruit and vegetable is essential, the breakfast including a fruit, the lunch and the dinner must have the vegetables.

37th, if your baby does not like eating the boiled vegetables, you may try to him to eat the fresh carrot or the cucumber.

38th, when your cooking vegetables time, must know steams the vegetable the flavor which boils is better than, simultaneously the nutrient content retains are more.

39th, if does not have what means to be possible to let you the baby accept the vegetables, tries to sliver the vegetables the scrap, mixes in the rice or the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce.

40th, if lets the baby and the family member dines together,kids clothing, remembers him compared to the adult need more calorie and the fat.

41st,cheap kids clothing, usually in the situation, fruit and vegetable's color is deeper, their nutritional value is higher, you may defer to this principle to carry on the choice.

18 months to 2 years old

This stage's baby starts to have the idea, decided that oneself love eats anything not to like eating anything, therefore provides the rich food choice as far as possible to him, so as to avoid the baby eats meal into your difficult problem.

42nd, if the baby does not want to eat, moves away food, but not compels him to eat.

43rd, eats the health to the baby between-meal snack, lets him be far away from the chocolate, the potato chips, the fruit jelly.

44th, if you do not want to let the baby eat the junk food, you must first have the health food habit.

45th, is only eating meal the time eats including the sugar thing, because simultaneously eats other food to be possible to dilute the acidity, reduces the sugar to tooth's corrosiveness.

46th, is lets the baby contacts new food time, like this may prevent the partial eclipse effectively. If he does not want to eat, mother do not give up, will attempt several times will succeed.

47th, to let the baby eat new food, tries with game's form. In Mongolia baby's eye, eats the thing to him, lets him guess again what eats is anything. The baby will perhaps like this method.

48th, excessive food very possibly lets the baby not have the appetite, therefore makes as far as possible food Cheng Xiaofen, finished eating has given one again.

49th, if he does not want to eat some kind of food, do not force him to eat immediately, crosses the period of time to try again.

50th, lets baby's recipes be bountiful, avoids another reason being weary, but is not willing to eat.

51st,homemade birthday gifts for kids, ate fat food to him, the baby at least in 2 year old of before should not drink the low fat milk as far as possible.

2-3 years old

This stage, your baby will be glad with you to be busy at work together very much in the kitchen.

52nd, lets you the baby and you prepares food together, like this may enhance him to the interest which eats meal.

53rd, if he told you him to be hungry, should better let him eat the thing immediately, because the baby is very possibly attracted in the waiting process by other things, but lost the interest which ate meal.

54th, you may start to him to eat some high textile fibers the carbohydrate, for instance potato, brown rice and so on, but do not be too many, baby's abdomen is very easy to fill up.

55th, avoids eating cooks food, best boils or processes food with the microwave oven.

56th, if cherishes valuable eats the cream, only spreads light one on the bread,(Related Articlesdesigner baby bibs You are my heaven), do not eat to him are too many.

57th, limits the baby to eat the sweets, such baby results in dental caries' probability slightly many.

58th, manufacture food time, maximum limit satisfies child's fondness. For instance may attempt the vegetables does multi-colored, the child meets the appetite to open greatly naturally.

59th, when buys the fruit or the vegetables, will let baby make the choice, the baby will definitely be glad the thing which will eat itself to elect.


Occasionally the baby participated in the sunlight baby to move, hoped that saw father and mother also had the good friends to support
Thanks! Is deeply grateful ing!


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Noon knew that sub-triumphant paternal grandmother also in the church, we felt relieved. I prepared to let sub-sleep triumphantly, but sub-triumphant set the request by now: Mother, I looks at the light rain person, mother I looks at the light rain person. The light rain person was I gave the child to buy ' the baby pictorial high-quality goods story book triumphantly recently '.
I solicit bathroom sub-triumphant daddy, sub-triumphant daddy did not agree. I originally want to stop by this sub-to look at the light rain person triumphantly. I tell the child to be triumphant: Daddy not. Sub-replied triumphantly: I look. The astute boy is triumphant, was paying attention to my a moment ago every action and every movement unexpectedly, requested directly: The bathroom looks for daddy.
Without the means that I have to agree that sub-looks at the light rain person triumphantly. Looked the light rain person, sub-triumphant said suddenly: Mother, I must eat the ice cream, mother I must eat the ice cream. I have a little been angry, has not taken an afternoon nap eats the ice cream? The telephone was resounding by now, sub-triumphant grandfather makes the phone call to ask that has found child triumphant paternal grandmother? I and sub-reach an agreement triumphantly: Sub-finished eating the ice cream to sleep triumphantly. Sub-complied triumphantly. Sub-triumphant daddy for has taken the ice cream,baby girls, when triumphantly sub-eats the ice cream, I am also redundant: Finished eating the ice cream sub-triumphantly to sleep? Sub-replied triumphantly: Does not sleep, paternal grandmother. I had doubts? Sub-explained triumphantly: Paternal grandmother goes to work does not sleep. Oh? I have understood, originally the kid has not seen paternal grandmother, also has been keeping at heart thinking about paternal grandmother, therefore only then slowly is not willing to sleep. I give the child to explain triumphantly: Sub-awakes triumphantly thought that paternal grandmother came back, paternal grandmother likes the shrewd person who listens to mother the words being triumphant, sub-sleeps triumphantly, paternal grandmother comes back.
Sub-finished eating the ice cream not to sleep triumphantly, also sets the request: Mother I must play the building block,baby accessories, mother I must play the building block. I help the child to get so far as triumphantly the building block on the bed, I have not managed sub-triumphantly, sub-starts the wood to come out triumphantly to install but actually,crochet baby blanket, arrives again. I have been angry, my antithetical couplet said triumphantly: Sub-triumphant does not sleep, mother was angry. Paternal grandmother does not like not being obedient sub-triumphantly,(Related Articleskids clothes Heroic Alliance the nunu basic level), sub-slept paternal grandmother to come back triumphantly. I was saying repeatedly. Sub-receives the wood which triumphantly just poured, has lain down my side, fell asleep very quickly.

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Recently, once 13 years wished luck on moving to a new home the world richest family Internet great master Bill , Gates to announce retire, simultaneously announce the plan oneself 58,000,000,000 US dollar complete family property back coupling for the society, but are not leave him the children. Are the Chinese guardians while sighed with emotion Bill , Gates insane, also started to think deeply about such question: Is really rich cannot again the rich child? As the guardian, actually makes how many for the child is appropriatelies?

One start an undertaking foreign baby VS30 year-old Chinese NEET

Bill , Gates such daddy is few after all. Many Chinese guardians are discussing like this.

After all, Gates has sub-two females who not yet grows up. They were born separately in 1996, in 1999, in 2002. That is, the elementary student, by far has not been able to support oneself at present, say nothing of succeeds in one's pursuit. May be the father Bill , Gates not to leave their one point family property actually. Gates thought: Has the attaining without effort wealth, regarding the station in the life starting point's children by no means meddlesome.

Not come singly but in pairs, advances into the Forbes rich and powerful people ranking, is called Gates two th 23 year old of American boy Mark , Zach Bergh, at 20 year-old time chose on own initiative left the rich life to decide the path, organized together with the friend has let the public relations website which yahoo and google did not dare to belittle. Now, Mark still lives in a one room of hall which he rents. Said with his words, I to this ostentatious world not too many responses. I only am want to establish a long-term thing, other matters I did not care.

We knew that started themselves many foreign children to 18 years old to support itself, but 18 years old regarding the Chinese children, are the ages which the university just started, the majority children satisfiedly are also spending parents' money to study in the university. In fact the Chinese children support oneself the age not has been ahead of time now, but postponed.

The sociologists study indicated that now an only child generation after having completed a university four year study, often must attend the graduate school or go abroad to study, many children step onto social time, already had surpassed 27 years old. But in before this,baby boutique, their life often is also the parents provides. Because will look for the work difficult or initially joins a company will meet setback and so on, after graduations will not work, simply will continue the matter which will make itself to like simultaneously to gnaw old is also not infrequent.

The social scholars believed that actually gnaws never merely means after grown-up, also the life origin dependence on the parents body, another kind gnaws the cousin to hold depending on the parents the relations to look now the work, even if married the life to take care of oneself ability to be very also bad, took father and mother family belongings cafeteria and so on, but most serious gnawed old is in fact spiritually is unable the independences, did not know that besides obeyed parents' direction, how future Lu will Gai walk.

The foreigner tries to raise child's independent ability, China's parents seems has the sense of responsibility, not only need pay the school expense to the child, looks for the work, but must be responsible for child's marriage, purchases homes ......As the guardian, actually pays how many for the child is most appropriate? Reporter investigates indicated that at present China's guardian view varies: Conservative faction: Can give the child to give the child - - Qian Dugei who that many gains laboriously others? This procedure is really inconceivable. The so noble behavior left our life to be too far. Accepted the interview the majority of China's guardians to express such view. Comes off sentry duty this year Lao Wang 52 years old, the only son bright just the university graduated, had found a work very laboriously, starts to support itself reluctantly. Our old couple struggles the present, oneself only then just had a den, from now on if can accumulate a money, must leave the child.

The Lao Wang view has the representation in the economical not ample guardian, what but makes the human to feel the accident slightly is,(Related Articles20100810 speeches must keep a promise), fashionable white-collar's new father and mother and accurate father and mother also like this looked. Young Ling in Pearl River new town's foreign enterprises, is having a considerable wages every month. Mentions this question, young Ling said without hesitation: Certainly must be able to give all gives the child. In my family the condition also calculates since childhood superiorly, present's house is also the maid for buys. Can go abroad under guardian's support completes the studies, and round trip world. I must create these conditions for my child only then the line. The young Ling's husband Arab League China also like this looked: Will not create a better condition for the child, the child will blame us irresponsibly!

Middle-of-the-roaders: Must remain, but do not remain too many - -

Mentions keeps how many inheritances to the child the topic,baby gift ideas, in the middle school teaching clear elder sister thought that must remain to the child some, but does not need to be too many. If I am Bill , Gates, believed that my family member already food and clothing without cause for grief, the wealth is only a digital concept, this concept had proven my ability and the achievement, have nothing to do with my next generation's achievement. Their road wants to go. If lets the children lie down above the wealth sleeps, instead has harmed the child. However this is others rich and powerful people's perfect condition! Regarding our China's common people, must keep some qualifications to the child only then the line.

Mr. Xu thought: Each nationality's culture and the national condition are different, China was still in now the development, the social security system has not consummated may let us not need to the descendant to keep the family property the situation, moreover China's culture takes the dear ones very much, therefore I will consider that will keep a property to give the children suitably. However I thought that should let the children understand, keeps the family property makes parents' duty, I not for the children, but in wealth to oneself or other people too harsh, children's future should by them create, but cannot let them regards as parents' thing oneself has, will remain a lot does not represent certainly will let the descendant be happy.

Modernist school: 18 years old expel the son the main house gate - -

However along with society's development, more and more young parents started to have let the child independent idea as soon as possible. In media work's Mr. Liang planned that lets the son start from 18 years old to depend on own life. Mr. Liang thought that this to the child is the very good exercise, because after all parents impossible with child for a lifetime. Especially regarding the boy, supports oneself more early is better. The later road lets him go, I will not keep any money again to him.

Is engaged in Miss Zheng who teaches to work early to indicate: Child's growth is best depends on them, I thought what is most precious is trains the children to have a perfect personality since childhood, the straight words and deeds, this is for them the greatest wealth.

I graduates after the university no longer asked that the parents took one cent money. Already had 8 month pregnancies, Haizhu District's Ms. Wang had said. Although the present house price is high, expends expensively, what but doesn't everybody's condition equally have to be possible to complain. Since I am depending on the room which own loans diligently buys, I hoped that my child can also compete together with his same generation of person, does well own Chinese acre three point places, like this can train him to take an independent social individual consciousness. But is not stands on parents' shoulder.

Expert advice

Support child, but do not take care of all

Actually should the guardian pay how many for the child? Day UK parent-child center expert Liu Zhigang believed that the guardian should support child's growth, but do not attempt for the child to take care of all, regardless of being on the material or the spirit.

The Bill , Gates behavior really has its special background, in children's life, the education, goes see a doctor and so on right comparisons to have in the safeguard situation, the guardian is quite only then easy to have this noble behavior. Now although our country many families already marched into well-off, but regarding the majority families, but also needs makes many effort for child's survival and the development basic physical conditions. In this case discusses the inheritance, is as if a little far. The foreigner can do matter we certainly must not necessarily study, but Bill , Gates and the overseas guardian has the mothering idea is actually worth China's guardians referring. Liu Zhigang thought: Creates the good development condition for the child indeed is the manner parents' responsibility, but true is responsible possibly purely to create the wealth to be more difficult. Regarding the child, the guardian should the completely biggest responsibility raises his independent ability, if takes care of all, child's future without knowing where to begin mentioned.

Actually to keep what to the child?

We hoped that has two permanent inheritances to be able to leave us the child, one is a root, another is a wing. Is wife and children Huo Ding , Carter to explain itself like this famous regarding the inheritance view. The root is a person's disposition and the quality; The wing represented him to adapt the world survivability. The child first should have the positive upward personality, like this only then Cheng Qiwei health person's basis; But industrious, brave and bears frustrates the nature to be possible to help him to lead the way courageously on the life path. The psychologist thanks the glory to believe that only then these are the guardian should the most precious wealth which stays behind to the child.

The investigation indicated that the high independence,kids clothing, the high automatic rhythmicity is the successful public figure's dominant character, at this time the money and easy and comfortable possibly becomes the resistance which the child leads the way, but sometimes totteringly goes forward can an achievement genuine person.

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Translation: SGamer.COM| natural pure men

Fist of - Akali shadow

1. introduction

What this captures the main research is enduring Akali, Akali is a very outstanding murderer, she may enter a war in any time, you in operate Akali the time most main duty are harvest the match the number of people.

2. heroic skill

Double sub-disciplinary punishment (passive):
鈥trength disciplinary punishment - after obtaining surpasses 20 AP values, the Akali physical attack will cause the extra black magic damage, after this will increase 5 AP values to enhance the extra black magic injury value every time
鈥trong prestige disciplinary punishment - after obtaining surpasses 10 striking power, the Akali skill will hemophagia, after this obtains 20 striking power to be able every time to strengthen the skill hemophagia effect.
After having this passive skill, Akali slights the law diverse, you already may choose Gao Gong the route also to be possible to choose the AP route.

Assassin mark:
Akali throws own sickle to the enemy,girls coats, creates to the goal injures and marks period of time, if she has attacked one already has marked the goal, will create to the goal unit injures especially.
Before you participate in the group fights you needing this skill to throw first on some enemy person body, like this may let you becomes crazy.

Evening light cape:
Akali throws a smoke shell to the target sector, she will enter in the smog moves under water the condition,prada kids clothing, any movement can break this condition, will reduce the migration and the attack speed in the dense fog enemy.
This is not only one offensive and chases down and kills the skill, similarly is also one very good escapes the skill,baby gear Wholesale, but only needed in the earlier period to rise first-level to be good.

The crecent moon attacks:
Akali to oneself around unit launching attacks, the injury value will calculate own striking power and the AP value.
This skill may cause the massive damage to the enemy, therefore I usually after rising the full assassin mark will immediately rise to fill it, but this skill must be able to manifest its might in the game intermediate stage, you will not have too many striking power in the earlier period or will be the AP value after all.

Dance of the shadow:
The Akali traversing shadow initiates the attack rapidly to the goal, causes the damage and the accumulation shadow element to the goal sufficient energy, Akali may periodic sufficient energy, most superimposes 3 times
Although this is an attack skill primarily, but you may also escape in some kind of situation to the enemy dogface use.

3. how hobby Akali

You may hide in the grove perhaps not impolitely waited for that the enemy close starts the surprise attack to him, like this he had not possibly reflected before,(Related Articleswalmart baby dolls Guardian sadly with child's wor), already was killed by you.

4 talents and Fu Wen

The talent adopts traditional 21/9/0 dot way

Defends in the talent keen to be possible to let you better complete own task, other, you may also choose in the auxiliary talent the skill to reduce the skill cooling time, but recommends the attack talent, because Akali does not have the black magic value, similarly, the traveling speed is also a very important factor, may use judgment to choose.

Fu Wen

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Evades the seal high-level: May let you withstand less injuries
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High-level tenacious essence: Enhances you in earlier period survivability
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1st, elementary student individual and daily life thing health: Requests the student daily attire to be neat, the nail, the hair is clean. Every week cuts the nail one time, every two weeks cut the toenail one time, wash hair regularly take a bath. After before meals then, washes the hands with the percolating water, sooner or later will probably rinse the tooth. The daily life thing should the specialist special-purpose, specially every day contacts trough, turban, bowl, chopsticks, not only need special-purpose, but must disinfect frequently. The bedding, the bed sheet washes industriously exposes to the sun industriously. And, should have the special personnel to carry on the inspection.

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3rd, the elementary student work, the work,(Related Articlesgirls coats The game introduces), looks at television's health: The student finger's tiny muscle not yet grows consummates, the carpal bone complete ossification, has not written every day, the drawing time cannot be too long. The student various organs phyletic evolution not yet consummates,personalized organic baby blanket, organizes the student to work must consider student's physiological characteristic. May let the student participate in the simple slight work. Looked that the television should pay attention to the choice content, the time cannot be too long, is each time longest does not surpass for one hour, lets them sit in television's dead ahead approximately 2--4 meters distances, the optical fiber cannot be too dark. After the food, cannot watch the television immediately, must rest a while to look again, this is advantageous to food digestion and the absorption, looked when television reminds the elementary student to sit straight.

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The sack time few child nearsightedness, grows easily in the child the growth fast time, when specially 7-9 and 12-14 years old, if the sleep time are few, will cause the partial children to have the nearsightedness.

When birth the body weight is low, every birth weight insufficient 2000 gram young children,discount designer children's clothes, because mainly its congenital maldevelopment, the day after tomorrow the bad factor will cause the axis oculi to grow has been long, puberty easily nearsightedness.

The premature infant, specially prematurely delivers 2 weeks or above 2 weeks the young child, often has the nearsightedness in childhood.

The parents are the nearsightedness, its children nearsightedness, its degree of hereditary transmission increases easily along with the shortsighted number of degree's deepening, generally speaking, - below 3.00D the shortsighted heredity are not many, is bigger than - the 6.00D high nearsightedness and the heredity close related.

Every day looked the television computer is bigger than for 2 hours, the eye and the television distance is smaller than 3 meters, when the long time reading distance is short in 30 centimeters, the most children will occur regard wearily, part of children will have the nearsightedness.

The partial eclipse, the partial eclipse may cause the child nutrition to lack.

1) lacks the calcium calcium element is the immediate influence eye to the light sensitive degree, lacks the calcium to be possible to cause the nerve and the Muscular tissue cell excitability advances, is at the nervous state frequently. The eyelash shape myo- hypertension, the direct pressure eyeball. The scierotic organization lacks the calcium, the elasticity and the reliable degree can drop, scierotic wall's degree of hardness is weaken, axis oculi extension.

2) the protein lacks the protein constitutes the Body tissue cell's raw material, likely builds when the house uses the brick, the steel bar and the cement are equally important. The protein insufficient supply, will affect young people's growth, will form the physique to be weak, easy to expand, causes around the eyeball the axle elongation, will form nearsightedness's refraction condition.

3) vitamin deficiency VA is the eye special need important nutrients, VC plays the maintenance scierotic organization perfect role, will lack VC, the scierotic organization will receive the hyaluronidase the function,(Related Articlescool kids clothes The construction dialog's platform, raises), will become very frail .VD lacks the immediate influence calcareous normal metabolism. This occurs with the nearsightedness has the close relationship.

Therefore, the low body weight, the premature infant and the parents nearsightedness's child, must arrive at the hospital inspection as soon as possible highly. The ordinary supervision child, fosters good with the eye custom, pays attention with the eye health, avoids the long time short distance using the eye, the limit to look that the television time < a half hour/day, the partial eclipse,children's clothes stores, little does not eat the sweets, the multi-food contain the Vitamin richly, the protein, calcareous food, strengthens the physical training, the enhancement physique, guarantees the sufficient sleep, to has diagnosed for the vera nearsightedness's child should have one's eyes tested and wear glasses the eyeglasses correctly, the regular reexamination, controls the nearsightedness to deepen as far as possible.


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Present, many guardians do not hesitate the initial capital in the well-known colleges and universities peripheral buying homes property, so that the child can obtain the fine educational resources. Regarding this, the national capital house intermediary enterprise I likes my family community expert Chen Dan reminding the fellow students guardian, do not purchase the school district room blindly, but should maintain the rationality, and grasps four principles.

First, weighs own economic potentiality, does what one can. School district house price Gup spreads high, wants the guardian who buys the school district room to have the certainly economic potentiality, but to eats meal most depending on the wages the three-person family says, purchases the school district room is not the small economic burden, thus must do what one can, do not carry on the back the serious financial burden reckless. The guardian may lock the vision in the school district the small area old workshop, even if the unit price is high, the total price can also withstand, in the future will get rid quite to be also easy.

Second, the matriculation rule is instable, guards against the risk. The matriculation rule every year changes, even if bought nearby the well-known colleges and universities school district room not necessarily to have no more worries. For example, purchases homes when the well-known colleges and universities stipulated that settles down in two years to be possible nearby to enter a school, and so on when child matriculations possibly turned for five years; When buying homes property when school land sector, matriculation possibly is delimited the land sector; When buying homes before only notes, owner's registered permanent address to transfer out, when matriculation before actually unexpectedly, owner's child still went study in the well-known colleges and universities, according to a household person of rule, home-buyer's children possibly and the well-known colleges and universities just misses. Because purchases the school district room the risk is not the child guardian can control, therefore is selecting and purchasing school district Fang Shiyao to guard against the risk discretely.

Third,caterpillar kids toys, acts according to the school the different information summary weight. The school teaching condition is dynamic, cannot be irrevocable. For instance, some school several years ago also remain obscure, but several years later the teaching nurtures the hostage quantity to enhance very quickly,kids clothing, very possibly turns the well-known colleges and universities which the guardian goes after like ducks; Although some schools the reputation in outside, but is hesitant to advance, progresses not quickly, several years later falls behind other schools. These changes will have the influence to the child education and the school district room's value, therefore will purchase the school district room time must synthesize weighs the school teaching condition.

Fourth, the choice suits oneself child's school. Each becomes famous the school has own school characteristic, is not each well-known colleges and universities suits own child, only then suits child's special skill or the development direction, the well-known colleges and universities only then demonstrates the value. Some guardians believed that the colored high price buys the school district room, is can be schoolmate for the child with the family background good child, weaves a fine social relationship network, but if the child feels in schoolmate feels inferior, loses self-confidently,baby accessories, then tires of study,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes The heroic alliance plays the), very possibly is contrary to what expects. When selects and purchases the school district room, certainly must unify oneself child's special skill, chooses the suitable school, suitable school district room.

Chen Dan suggested that the student guardian does not want the noisy crowd to concentrate around the well-known colleges and universities selects and purchases the school district room, must deep research these have the educational investment and the real estate investment potential growth school, do not blindly believe in the well-known colleges and universities blindly, certainly must in suit around oneself child's school to purchase the school district room.

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The kindergarten child is being in the life the preliminary stage, must study, plastic. Is crucial phase which each custom fosters.

The custom fosters critical period, good baby in game independent study, development thought. Through the bottom class in kindergarten more than two year of teaching practice, I felt that this curriculum can help the baby to form the good thought and the habits and customs, and sharpens their synthesizing capacity.

The interest is best teacher

The thought game characteristic curriculum is different with the kindergarten free game, it is take operates the material as the exploratory which depends on, operational mental game. Baby question which and duty proposed unceasingly according to the game, through the operation material, explores and the attempt unceasingly solves the problem, carries on the game. Game's entire process is the baby solves the question process unceasingly, through this process, the baby constructs own experience and the knowledge on own initiative,urban baby clothes, forms own cognitive structure and the thought system gradually.

Curriculum each wrap operation material, not only color gorgeous and operational greatly strengthened. These materials already can attract baby's attention very quickly, the baby in the process which begins to operate, the cognition level also in the continual readjustment, enhances, through various stages' game curriculum, the baby can realize the sense of achievement, the study enthusiasm obtains the full reassignment, thus has the strong study interest and the exploration desire.

In the teaching process, I felt that must first let the children be interested. I pay attention stimulate the children to participate in the thought game's interest, according to child's fondness, established has let the child ringing upper opening's nursery song: , I am the thought game's young expert, the thought game accompany me to grow, I was the thought game's young expert, the children and the singing sound have been focusing the attention, and started in the happy mood, they liked thought game.

Under the children interest very high premise, I intend to raise their each good custom. When each time opens the new game cartridge, opens one for the children to open the box specially to receive the box reorganization game cartridge the activity, lets the child start from the first activity on own study to tidy up own study, trains them to tidy up the reorganization to take care of oneself ability and the good operation custom, also enables each time the thought game to arrange compact, has the strip not cotton wool.

Space which innovates freely for the child

In view of the thought game characteristic curriculum stressed that the baby moves independently, driving exploration, and the knowledge acquisition skill's at the same time emotion obtains the sublimation curriculum characteristic. When my teaching encourages the baby to use the different method, and admits baby's different creation result, momentarily gives the affirmation from the different angle, encourages, to cause them to dare to overcome difficulties, bold performance.

I always believed that should give a children free display the space, enables their creation potential to display fully. So long as creates the free space for the baby, encourages the baby to weed through the old to bring forth the new, to surmount itself, the surmounting companion, baby's innovation ability unceasingly will enhance, simultaneously baby's power of observation, the imagination, will begin to operate ability also to have the enhancement,homemade baby gift baskets, actually, this will also be is raising the custom which the baby will dare to innovate.

Sharpens baby's cooperation ability

The kindergarten life by the collective life primarily, the children is studying together, the game, the active opportunity is many. The baby thought game characteristic curriculum rests on the kindergarten life activity the characteristic, through the game in the role assignment, coordinated, to cause the baby mutually to understand, only then cooperated mutually, could carry out the game, could cause becomes dramatically. Like ' the business street ' this subject, the baby in constructs the business street in the foundation, through the consultative assignment role (shop employee, customer and so on), the game can develop dramatically.

In game's process, the baby learned to modestly decline, has mastered the cooperation method. In the cooperation, they have formed self-confidently, becomes the study master.

In the future society, only then can the human who cooperates with the human, can obtain the existing space; Is good at the human who cooperates, can win the development. The union thought game characteristic curriculum in many unit contents, I pays attention trains the children to unite the cooperation the spirit, and integrates with every effort this spirit in their daily behavior, causes the children to foster one kind in order to work the unity cooperation custom.

The thought game curriculum lets teacher also have the enhancement

Through the thought game characteristic curriculum's teaching, causes as teacher's I also to benefit greatly. The thought game from the observation, remembers, understood, compared with, the classification, solves the problem and so on each aspect game's form to carry on the raise education to the child, while guides which the child develops, I also felt that I also had the corresponding enhancement, the thought have been also more rigorous.

The thought game taught me to ponder the question from the different angle, solved the problem, how the thought game teaches me to observe each child's slight movement and the change, let me understand my child, I and the children walked near.

The thought game each time starts in the musical sound,kids costumes, finished in children's laughing sound, takes teacher I, not only obtained the unceasing enrichment with in children's game interaction, and has also formed the better thought habit along with the curriculum.

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The baby provides the nutrition to be rich, easy to digest food.

(1) heat energy: 4~6 year-old baby sphere of action starts to increase, before needs the energy to compare 3 years old, to increase. The daily demand for energy is 1400~1700 (5860~7110qian burnt) the kilocalorie, is approximately equal to every day each kilogram body weight 90 kilocalories (377,000 burnt). Quantity of heat besides from cereal class ingestion, but must the proportion absorbs balanced from the protein and the fat.

(2) protein and fat: 4~6 year-old baby protein's required quantity compares the babyhood to be slightly low, is the daily 45~55 grams, or every day each kilogram body weight 2.5 grams. This time's baby was still in the cerebrum growth rapid time,homemade baby gift ideas, when 3 years old brain's weight for birth time 3 times, approximately is 1000~1080 grams, when 6 years old brain's weight approximately is 1250~1305 grams, is equal in becomes the human brain heavy 90~93%. nervous system's growth to need the massive protein and the fats, like phosphatide, cholesterol, sugar fat and sphingomyelin. In order to promote brains' rapid growth, must absorb massively unceasingly from food can constitute the material which the cranial nerve organizes, like milk, egg,kids clothing, fish, foods and so on soybean and animal internal organs. Therefore,baby gift, must pay attention to the protein the quality.

4~6 year-old baby fat's amount of radiation should occupy hotly always 25~30%, the research indicated that some babies from 3 years old, in the blood vessel have the lipin stripe, when 10 years old then forms the gruel shape hardening spot, from this explained that prevents atherosclerosis and hypertension must from the child time start. Moreover, excessively many fat can suppress the gastric juice secretion and the extension stomach evacuation, causes the child appetite to drop. Therefore, do not eat excessively greasy food from the baby time.

(3) carbohydrate (carbohydrate): The carbohydrate required quantity to above each kilogram body weight 15 grams, be higher than the babies and infants every day, explained that the grain the amount of radiation increases gradually, becomes the energy the important source.

(4) nutrient's choice must do the diversification, and pays attention to between each kind of nutrient balanced. Each meal wants meat and vegetarian dishes matching, guaranteed that has the staple food and the certain proportion high quality protein as well as the right amount vegetables and supplies green Ye Caihuo frequently as far as possible the yellow red vegetables, guarantees each kind of Vitamin and the inorganic salt need. Should have the fresh fruit every day, should better have the milk or the milk product

the (5)4~6 year-old child may transit gradually from the soft food to the ordinary food, the diet variety and boils the system method not to need to limit is too strict. Outside the daily three meals a day, should give eats up a time.

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    The local time on December 22, European Union decided that continues to the Chinese leather shoes drafts 15 month counter-dumping tax. European Union has begun levying taxes this counter-dumping tax since 2006, China exports a European Union leather shoes quantity group from 2006 190,000,000 pairs, falls to 2007 181,000,000 pairs, after 2008 156,000,000 pair of .22 date resolution releasing, the Chinese merchant's heart has surged more haze.

    Had no way to judge, this case already surpassed normal legal proceeding and the technical category .17 dates and on 22nd newspaper reporter two times sends a telegram to Central Europe leather shoes document Chinese side agent Attorney Pu Lingchen, asked him on 22nd conference's result to make successively on European Union sentences in advance and appraises. The result he always intensely questioned that the European Union counter-dumping decision receives the excessively many non-commercial factors the influence.

    The Central Europe shoes fought are at first Spain are burnt by 2004 the shoes event to light. The same year September, in Spanish small town Egypt Qieer, more than 400 demonstrators burnt down the Chinese merchant 16 cabinets, valued at 1,000,000 euros shoes. The shoemaking is one of Egyptian Qieer traditional industries,black baby socks, the Central Europe shoes fight are mixing with the nationalism mood which from the very beginning induces by the unemployment rate and so on many non-commercial factors.

    Austria Kang exported European Union's leather shoes average unit price already to surpass 20 US dollars now,baby girls clothes, this price exported Brazil to be also higher than, therefore simply did not have counter-dumping. In October, Austria Kang group Chairman Wang Zhentao did to the media this has indicated .2007 year in July, took the Chinese biggest privately operated shoemaking enterprise, the Austria Kang group takes the lead to the European Union First trial Court to mention contradicts.

    The non-commercial factor affects European Union to decide

    Whether European Union in does lengthen in view in the Chinese leather shoes' counter-dumping tax does not have the relapse by no means.

    In October last time contradicts when this decision,organic baby clothes, the European Union internal opinion is inconsistent. Actually from 2006, Sweden and Denmark is discontented with the counter-dumping tax expression, thought that taxation the economic burden which creates to European Union is bigger. This phenomenon caused Pu Lingchen then to believe that the Chinese side had the possibility which won.

    Pu Lingchen when accepted the newspaper interviewed then the introduction saying that on November 19, on the European Commission counter-dumping Inquiry board, European Union most member nation's representatives approved stopped the counter-dumping tax, this result looked like is advantageous to China.

    But, the situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn afterward.

    The European media at the end of November to the beginning of December time, exaggerates the Chinese shoe industry wantonly to the European Union related industry threat. Germany, Austrian and the Malta three original statement approvals abolish the counter-dumping tax the country, changed own standpoint successively, indicated that must cast the abstaining. But in contradicts in European Union's counter-dumping, each ticket is very precious .2006 year counter-dumping bill is passes by 13 tickets to 12 ticket slight advantages.

    Pu Lingchen said indignantly from this: Why will have this kind of situation? This and the law has the direct relation? This and we talk about the technical question has the direct relation? Perhaps is not that simple.

    Because the European Union interior majority countries their shoe manufacture industry already decline, therefore the low-price quality merchandise Chinese shoes product is not only advantageous to these national consumer, is also advantageous to these national seller. But speaking of Spain, Italian these has the shoe manufacture industry the EU country as before, will have the competitive power Chinese product not to conform to the market economy rule industry to its home to have certain impact without doubt.

    From this, looks like in Pu Lingchen, between the European Union internal country the economic development has doped in some non-legal and the technical stratification plane factor not balanced for European Union's judgment, but benefit between the national balanced is not the European Union benefit provision content which the European Union counter-dumping laws and regulations 21st provision involves.

    Shanghai Academy of social science World economics Research institute Manager Zhang Youwen further pointed out that China is a manufacture great nation, we need fair, the free international market, such international market to other countries is also advantageous, but regarding certain needs to adjust the industrial structure the special interest group possibly is disadvantageous.

    China's counter-attack

    The Central Europe recently trade friction and not only limited the shoes fights 0.1 weeks ago, the European Commission decided that sent rebellion dumping before our country filament glass fiber to investigate 0.3th, in European Union, the US, Mexico insisted on under the request, the World Trade Organization set up the expert group, investigated it to the Chinese raw material export restriction indictment.

    But on 22nd European Union decided that continues after the Chinese leather shoes drafts 15 month counter-dumping tax, the Chinese Department of commercial affairs immediately expresses will appeal to the World Trade Organization dispute settlement mechanism.

    China's response also not only is the passive appeal .23 date mornings, the Chinese Department of commercial affairs is the decision takes the temporary anti-dumping measures to the European Union carbon steel fastener, requests China to import the operator to provide the corresponding earnest money based on the dumping profit margin to the Chinese Customs.

    China International Issues Research Center European Union Research department Director Xing Hua pointed out to newspaper reporter that we are not want to launch the trade war with European Union, but we must let European Union know, their trade protectionism measure does not favor their benefit. European Union the trade protective measures which adopts to our country are unfair, is not objective, regarding this we must certainly take the corresponding countermeasure. Besides expresses the opposition, the department of commercial affairs will also adopt in the trade the corresponding measure.

    Actually, European Union recently in trade friction aggressive posture, to a great extent must attribute to the worn out economic situation.

    The European Commission issued recently the report pointed out that this year European Union and Eurozone GDP will present 4.1% and 4.0% negative growths separately. Because suffers the economic crisis to attack, European Union already reduced more than 400 ten thousand operating posts. It is estimated that this year and next year European Union will increase more than 700 ten thousand unemployed, the unemployment rate climbs a group to 10.5%.

    Xing Hua indicated that the European Union economy's prospect is not very bright. In the economical disadvantage factor grows in the situation, European Union worried very much for own economical future that its trade protectionism posture can have the further promotion naturally.

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According to us understood the most recent news,discount kids shoes, first Deity corps professional contestant young Luo and experienced 1 famous passer-by contestant NaDa to set up belonged to their new DOTA troop, team establishes provisionally is sto,kids shoes, the corps also had Moon and the mvp_JJYY two contestants besides young Luo and NaDa. The corps present are seeking for the 5th contestant and the stable sponsor.Young Luo after leaving the Deity corps did not have is assorted the big movement,baby doll, only helps LGD and ToT gun several competitions. This set up the new troop is wants to prove that he are not worse than others, moreover the beforehand Dota profession has given him many experiences and the help. Lies in the exchange which slightly arranges young Luo to express to own ability's confidence, fights with the wish belongs to own honor determination. We wish in advance them to be able to obtain the success!

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Thought that everybody has encountered this kind of situation, is both sides knew that opposite party in the opposite that thick patch of grass and so on past, at this time, who basically first will pass who to die. Must therefore probably have the detection, like this may strive for offensive. But, is not each fight has the detection, sometimes knows perfectly well opposite party in the opposite thick patch of grass, can also not but flush, flushes everybody not to want like this blindly, but the society unpleasant matter have been too many, impossible time satisfactory pleasant, therefore how under explains not to have in again the detection situation, attacks opposite party thick patch of grass ambush.

The fight enters to the superheating stage, is also decisive battle's time, both sides commanded lead their team to arrive at among the river course, prepared to ambush opposite party. When the bilateral troop arrives at the river course middle ambush opposite party,children's clothes, they also simultaneously felt that opposite party also ambushes surely in the opposite thick patch of grass oneself. How to manage? Blue side Mondor asks: Who brought to investigate? Everybody looks mutually that shook the head. Mondor atmosphere speaking of: The telescope does not bring, but also goes to war! poppy was not convinced said the sentence: How then you don't bring? Mondor has listened, was mad that does not hit to come, an ear and the area around it on the fan past, scolded: The father is commands greatly, this kind of belt eye's matter, is the little brother does, does not know! poppy felt itself the face which hit swells to sob

Chart: Is hit by Mondor swells face's poppy

Is hit by Mondor swells face's poppy

Red side war queen: Opposite party ambushes in the opposite thick patch of grass we, wanted to deceive us to be swindled, their this small scheme, wanted to let us be swindled? Smiled the human simply, the old lady must let them today have a look,kids clothing wholesale, anything called LOL first offensive ~~~~~~~~~ Morgan ~~~ to lose the flashlight to the elder sister ~~~~~~~~~

Morgan: Not��as not had ~

War queen: What?!? Did not have! How can not? Yesterday you were not said that already said that has prepared?

Morgan: Was prepares .....But ........

War queen: Has any words to give the elder sister to draw on ~~~~~~~~~~~ truthfully

Morgan: Yesterday��esterday and the helicopter appointment, he said that my ditch ditch is very deep, thorough basic looks not clearly .....I thought that his mood is anxious, therefore used for the flashlight to illuminate own ditch ditch

War queen: You!?! You do unexpectedly with the helicopter at the same place, but also has, may use up according to the ditch ditch flashlight's electricity, your that is the ditch ditch or the bottomless pit!?!?!? Well good!! The helicopter, the old lady and so on will go back lets your bifurcation crash directly!!!! I let you fly!!!

The robot has taken away own head, how wants also to think that did not understand how Morgan that and the helicopter is the synthesis.

War queen the towering rage roars to the robot: Other his mother has thought that how does your this intelligence quotient want also to think not clearly

At this moment, everybody sees war queen to look that Iraqi lotus Lin is pondering anything, sudden war queen said: The old lady had the means! Iraqi lotus Lin you come out the leg dew to the elder sister to have a look.

Iraqi lotus Lin's strange asking: Does? Must sell the meat?

War queen speaks of: What doesn't sell the meat to be called you to reveal the leg to do? Your rivers and lakes given name calls the fierce male difficult adversary, widow Evelyn in any case anything, but is also concerned about face does anything, goes, extends the thigh dew to the thick patch of grass outside, entices these smelly men to come.

Blue side Arab League one's older bro's wife: Reports the eldest child, has the thigh!

Mondor: Father's long elephant disabled person? The father is the blind person? Father seeing? Wants your his mother to tell me, you disliked that oneself came under attack are few? The bandage entangled are few? Before the speech, the multi-brains, little come under attack.

Said that a Mondor kitchen knife has thrown.

Evelyn: My grass you mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

War queen: The mother, shouts anything to shout that as soon as frightens the old lady to jump

Evelyn: On my leg has suffered kitchen knife ~

Said that Evelyn sore cried to get up ~

War queen anger combustion, scolds loudly to the opposite thick patch of grass: Mondor, my grass you the mother, you dares and the old lady fights 300 rounds? Looked that the elder sister varies B to clamp dies you!

Mondor laughs, shouts with the thick crazy sound: On your that poppy rank appearance, also feels all right entices the fathers, this did not smile the human. Ha ha ha ~~~

after poppy listens, has cried

The robot traces the head to ask: poppy is baa?

War queen looked under the robot with the cut-throat judgment to roar: If lets me hear you again to ask any question, you will become pile of scrap iron to know immediately?

The blue side regiment which leads by Mondor does not stop the ridicule and plays tricks on the red side regiment, one will scold war queen will be an airport, suggested that he does not want to use the maneuver dart, was inferior that will play the pilotless plane,baby gift, simply will not use the worry airplane taking off and landing question, because of runway body carrying, one also will scold Evelyn will be the immoral woman, will also scold her judgment to be low, werewolf this kind of clown male will not let off. Evelyn was mad shaking all over, shouts: My man is UDYR!!!!! It is not the werewolf!!!!!!!

As soon as Mondor they listens, has been happier, laughs speaks of: Said is quite a while half beastly person rank, the girl hobby is really unique, no wonder is called the fierce male murderer

Evelyn is mad has cried, war queen was unable to continue watching, roars to Mondor: Others Evelyn's judgment is quite unique, but always likes your this kind of corpse rank the thing being better than?

Said that the bilateral people laughing which is teased by war queen's these words, the Mondor face are mad have been green, looks that the card sign they said: The father looked that which also dares to smile.

For the card sign does not continue to smile, diligently is pinching own meat with the hand, compelled including the nasal mucus.

Mondor speaks of: Throws the sign to the father, throws on the station in the thick patch of grass toward opposite party there

20 minutes have passed, the card sign cannot bear asks: My grass, I has thrown 3 playing cards, an opposite party sound of something astir does not have, how to manage?

Mondor thinks saying that like this throws is not the means that or like this, you, the phoenix, the wind female, the big end, everything has the long-distance skill, loses throws for me toward opposite party thick patch of grass, hits for me.

Said that the blue side has opened fire, war queen they came under the fly upon, the Evelyn bra has been blown down by the wind female tornado, blew jax on to hang directly, war queen the wool, has issued an order: Hits to the old lady!!!

Said that the red side has also opened fire, between 2 thick patches of grass the bullet, the missile, the wind, the dart, arrow these at sixes and sevens things fly round

Has rumbled 15 minutes later, finally peaceful under looked, from the blue side thick patch of grass, Wang Zou, on the body has been braving the thioindigo red, speaks of with the low and deep sound: nomancankillme

The red side comedian clown, walks, takes down the mask to speak of: iamnoman, imgirlwawa, xixi~

Then has given a king knife, yo ~ vanishes in the river course ~

Finally the red side won.

outdoor toddler toys [interview] the overseas media will interview Yamateh I not to let Fans lose

The Vietnamese DOTA corps and between the visit KS-LGD superstar challenge tournament soon finished. After the competition, although has some problems in the exchange, overall, the Vietnamese contestants displayed their level in front of the competitor. After Yamateh and Lollipop team's competition we have carried on the interview to him.

Chief Yamateh is a charm, open and bright, as well as, unusual gentleman's person Reporter .VnB also remembered that previous Yamateh does not have ball in play's reason matter through the MSN explanation. In name with special correspondent VNB interview, in fact is talks. Because his English not how good, therefore have please sought the teammate Sakura help. Although has in the language the misery, but our interview good which completes under the very good atmosphere.

Following for concrete interview content:

Reporter: First, asks you to approach own Vietnamese FANS to introduce oneself.

Yamateh: Everybody is good, I am Chief Yameteh, KS.LGD. I already played the DOTA4 year, likes this game very much. From now on, we will probably more place the energy in the training, thus does not let FANS be disappointed. Hoped that I can let our FANS shout loudly: KS, advance advance advance. I love our Vietnamese FANS!

Yamateh: Sorry, my English is not specially good, hoped that you can understand my meaning O(���?O

Reporter: Then KS can carry on superstar challenge tournament's a series of competitions with the Vietnamese corps between. You at that time received when our invitation what felt?

Yamateh: This a little difficult to say��akura helps me!

Sakura:Yamateh wants saying that KS is very happy can receive the invitation, because KS had not won any large-scale competition's champion recently, but you also remember us. And has the opportunity and the Vietnamese corps fights we to feel that is happy. Graciousness, is this meaning, actually I am not excel with English to exchange very much.

Yameteh: Ha, yes, is this meaning.

Reporter: Do not worry, I can understand your meaning. Often other corps do not accept such invitational tournament,outdoor toddler toys, because they cannot obtain that kind of long time competition's reward. Is what reason lets KS be willing to attend our competition?

Sakura: We always hoped that can have the opportunity which fights with the Vietnamese corps, but had not bumped into. Then, you have provided this kind of invitation suddenly, we feel are happy, our very long before hoped such opportunity. Certainly, this is not my wish,kids clothing, I only am help Yameteh to express, ha.

Reporter: Your team coordinates the unusual tacit understanding, Yamateh is Carry, therefore you are auxiliary he to express his meaning are the such understand easily O(���?O

Yameteh: How because I didn't know said that my English has been too bad, ha.

Sakura: Hi, I am not auxiliary! I am puck, slaughters crazily that thanks!

Reporter: ��ood, under continues a question, our very happy KS agreed that attends the competition, and has played three above competitions, because Vietnam in the world is not very famous. Plays the families to think that Vietnam's corps are the fish intestinal fat.

Yamateh: I did not think that Vietnam's corps are the fish intestinal fat, sees through me from the game, the contrast world's universal level, your technology is very actually good.

Reporter: Surpasses 80 troop requests and KS the competition, how do you feel?

Sakura: Has been certainly very happy, 80 troop requests and Sakura competition? sakura is only a very ordinary contestant, ha ha (I was only a moment ago crack a joke, but you may also increase to interview in content O(���?)

Yamateh: I am very happy!! I ever do not dare to imagine have these many troops to want to fight with KS, you knew that KS had not obtained any significant honor recently, but you are still willing to play together with us.

Reporter: KS and the EAGle, FF, SB corps have fight, particularly with LOllpop most, how do you appraise them?

Yamateh: I thought that our troop is very regrettable, because the exchange question we cannot more and EAGle as well as LOLLpop fight, real regretted that we have lost the opportunity which and they fight.

Reporter: You may more discuss a Xiaguan in each troop's detail? For instance chooses the heroic aspect as well as the team cooperation?

Yamateh:EAG, FF and LOLL elect to be very good, but they need the more practice teams, simultaneously, I thought that SB should strengthen PicK the aspect the consideration.

Reporter: What do you have to improve this good suggestion, which heroes for example uses to play the improvement team question together?

Yamateh:EAG,kids clothes, FF and Lollipop are many are training are one method together. Wants to improve the team question, may attempt uses a troop including 5 Pusher or 5 Stunner as well as the mammoth, the bone structure and physiognomy, between the spider such Stunner troop and the Pusher troop hits can help you to improve the team question. They also needed to change the troop and more troops fight experiment the effect then to find in the different situation the solution. Their match will use the different way to attack them, will therefore have the necessity very much, I also suggested that you looked some competition video recording, they later will become like this very formidable.

Reporter: In KS and in the SB competition, surpassed 3000 audiences to watch with GarenaTV has competed 0.1 huge digit.

Yamateh: I really did not know that should say anything, .....Truly is happy! 3000 are not a small number, compared to Malaysia looked that we compete many also. Again thanks Vietnam's sincere fans.

Reporter: Many fans wants to know why KS why will elect the human to elect that for a long time.

Yamateh: Good, that is because which heroes we do discuss in the altitude strategically take, takeanylane.

Reporter: Good, let we more understanding you and KS. you to Vietnamese fans is the KS symbol.

Yamateh: Real? Today I hear am the good news, I was too happy.

Reporter: You were considered that is one of present individual technical level best contestants!

Yamateh: I want to thank all have supported the friend of mine. I am not the best contestant, has many compared to my technology good contestant, but I will not let you be disappointed.

Reporter: You will participate in this year's ESWC?

Yamateh: Perhaps cannot. In does not have in the fund situation, went to France's expenditure to be too huge to KS. Yes, unfortunately. Some people said that DotA was moving toward the death moreover the fact is slowly some once Dotaer runs hits Hon. You know these? Moreover, the DotA competition's bonus are also not enough. I have not played Hon, also has not thought. But if my troop wants to be such dry, I will go to hit Hon. I to hope that will look like CS in present's DotA to have more competitions equally and more bonuses. In Malaysia, our troop and Mufc, Inc.xlo, Niravana shares the bonus together, therefore we are very poor.

Reporter: KS one day-long training situation is what kind of?

Yamateh: Is indefinite, but we start from 7:00 pm to train generally, yizhi dao midnight. Only then could not find the match at that time. Moreover, we will also engage in some recreational activity or the surfer, looks like is now same.

Reporter: You had thought retires?

Yamateh: I once wanted to be many, but I thought that I do not hit dota to look like every day do not have the rice equally am impossible. Therefore I started to play. Ha ha

Reporter: 5 you play the best hero is?

Yamateh: This, I thought that is SF, Potm, Butcher, LinaandLion; Certainly, if does not have Lion, Tinker is also a very good choice.

Reporter: 5 you play the worst hero is?

Yamateh:Meepo, BM, Chen, Enchantess, andButcher. {Microphone}?? I did not know how could the hobby, they have the unit which too many needed to control, you understood. Trains, I curious {behind could not translate}, how do I am die did not know. Too difficult to have understood, ha-ha.

Reporter: 5 you thought that the hardest to deal with contestant is?

Yamateh: I do not fear any contestant, because DotA is 5 individual game. I thought that Ehome, LGD.Ys. as well as LGD.sgty are the thorniest troops, we train the match time always loses wins few.

Reporter: Before the interview ended, what did you also have to say?

Yamateh: (smiles) Ks to love Vietnam, Vietnam loves Ks

Reporter: Yamateh, thanks. Wishes your health, the success.

VnB, the dear audience friends, here was Vnb{VeryNB}, the giant star challenge tournament already continued to be very long, and had many contestants. Since starting, we had many supports, this has driven us. We will make a summary
But, this is not a result, this is only our half step, then we meet nb. Will meet once more will not be far, will thank you once more.


girls coats [interview]The MYM people comment the ESWC tranquil treatment group first going beyond a

After the MYM second stage group defeats OK, myMYM arrangement after the game interview aggressively, then the present let us listen to this group of young fellows to say anything.
myMYM: Do your good young fellows, how first feel?
Maelk: Very good,girls coats, we had already won two.

myMYM: Is the second stage group match?
Maelk: Right.

myMYM: Then you have faced the Asian troop yesterday in the first stage group match, they were very recently popular and many people said that their level is higher, at that time you were anxious, what had to worry?
Maelk: Actually did not have any special worry. Before us, also has fought with them, relatively a little experiences. Although the competition has lost, but we in second round will also meet with them.

myMYM: Therefore strength then has not affected your afterward competition?
Maelk: Does not have, a spot also does not have.

myMYM: Today you have two with the nirvana competition, but also one is and OK hits, how do you look at them, what has feels pressure?
Maelk: This does not have but actually, but I thought that is very strong from US's Nirvana.int strength, they the style a little looks like the Asian team now, the member coordinates anything well.

myMYM: Good,armani kids clothing, then how you did look ESWC this sports event, before you imagines compared to you thought that what disparity has?
Maelk: I thought that good, the sports event organizes, the location is good.

myMYM: Then your how many think?
Pusher: Because we live the place and the match person concerned athletic field is a little far, we back and forth must in the bus stop back-draft, one-way probably spend on the close 1 hour.
Maelk: We have not known public vehicle's timetable, if i.e. his 3 firing in bursts vehicles we 10 spots play the competition, we must make the vehicle to come,infant baby clothes, because when the time comes not necessarily has the vehicle. Like this we must wait on for several hours. If the guesthouse and the main athletic field's sports event transportation were again good a spot to be good.

myMYM: How did you look that ESWC the team, these invites also to have through the troop which chooses in advance?
Pusher: I thought invites the troop is a strong team, but they some, because the funds and get visa not good this to be very regrettable.
Babyknight: I thought that has many Asian troops to be worth inviting, although they come Paris to have the difficulty. However I thought that this name list tabulation is now good.

myMYM: How do you look at the ESWC official net home page about the HoN aspect news, even said that it will possibly threaten the dota present's market, how did you look, you will go to hit HoN?
Playmate: Does not have! I thought that I have hit DotA.
Babyknight: Graciousness, my root Playmate is the same.
Mania: , DotA is very definitely uninteresting. However HoN develops now very quickly, therefore he indeed has the threat.

myMYM: Then you thought that which aspect lets him becomes has the threat to DotA? The game rhythm is quick? Easier seat of honor?
Mania: Right, is similar these, for instance you connect the game, will not affect any matter, will continue to the network game to move equally. Moreover the game rhythm is relatively quick some.

myMYM: You have played a spot?
Mania: Graciousness.
Pusher:DotA has plays family more bonus .HoN at present is also 5 troops is quite strong, but DotA has surpasses 40 top troops.

myMYM: About this competition's equipment, this PC monitor is quite small, this affected you?
Maelk: Also, I am not familiar with this kind of screen very much. Asks them.

Babyknight: I will not like the wide screen, the character will distort, otherwise two on the one hand opportunities will have black on the other hand.

myMYM: You also do not have the question?
Playmate: A spot also does not have the question.
Pusher: The athletic field computer was friends with have been many, before us went that Internet bar ratio. That machine Lian Datuan fights wants the card 0.1 to make war has several second elephant to tow is walking is the same, the server network question has been puzzling us, but the machine is but actually good.
Maelk: I thought that Paris's equipment preparation must compare previous time is much better in the US.

myMYM: I thought that the audience are also more rightly?
Maelk: We should have more audiences originally, but this time chose has conducted inside Disney, caused us to have several audiences majority of moreover is other contestant generally.

myMYM: Therefore you like in a other opening points place playing the competition?
Maelk: Right.

myMYM: Then your goal is the champion?
MYM people: Right.

myMYM: Then wished you in the surplus competition good luck.
MYM people: Many thanks.