
girls coats [interview]The MYM people comment the ESWC tranquil treatment group first going beyond a

After the MYM second stage group defeats OK, myMYM arrangement after the game interview aggressively, then the present let us listen to this group of young fellows to say anything.
myMYM: Do your good young fellows, how first feel?
Maelk: Very good,girls coats, we had already won two.

myMYM: Is the second stage group match?
Maelk: Right.

myMYM: Then you have faced the Asian troop yesterday in the first stage group match, they were very recently popular and many people said that their level is higher, at that time you were anxious, what had to worry?
Maelk: Actually did not have any special worry. Before us, also has fought with them, relatively a little experiences. Although the competition has lost, but we in second round will also meet with them.

myMYM: Therefore strength then has not affected your afterward competition?
Maelk: Does not have, a spot also does not have.

myMYM: Today you have two with the nirvana competition, but also one is and OK hits, how do you look at them, what has feels pressure?
Maelk: This does not have but actually, but I thought that is very strong from US's Nirvana.int strength, they the style a little looks like the Asian team now, the member coordinates anything well.

myMYM: Good,armani kids clothing, then how you did look ESWC this sports event, before you imagines compared to you thought that what disparity has?
Maelk: I thought that good, the sports event organizes, the location is good.

myMYM: Then your how many think?
Pusher: Because we live the place and the match person concerned athletic field is a little far, we back and forth must in the bus stop back-draft, one-way probably spend on the close 1 hour.
Maelk: We have not known public vehicle's timetable, if i.e. his 3 firing in bursts vehicles we 10 spots play the competition, we must make the vehicle to come,infant baby clothes, because when the time comes not necessarily has the vehicle. Like this we must wait on for several hours. If the guesthouse and the main athletic field's sports event transportation were again good a spot to be good.

myMYM: How did you look that ESWC the team, these invites also to have through the troop which chooses in advance?
Pusher: I thought invites the troop is a strong team, but they some, because the funds and get visa not good this to be very regrettable.
Babyknight: I thought that has many Asian troops to be worth inviting, although they come Paris to have the difficulty. However I thought that this name list tabulation is now good.

myMYM: How do you look at the ESWC official net home page about the HoN aspect news, even said that it will possibly threaten the dota present's market, how did you look, you will go to hit HoN?
Playmate: Does not have! I thought that I have hit DotA.
Babyknight: Graciousness, my root Playmate is the same.
Mania: , DotA is very definitely uninteresting. However HoN develops now very quickly, therefore he indeed has the threat.

myMYM: Then you thought that which aspect lets him becomes has the threat to DotA? The game rhythm is quick? Easier seat of honor?
Mania: Right, is similar these, for instance you connect the game, will not affect any matter, will continue to the network game to move equally. Moreover the game rhythm is relatively quick some.

myMYM: You have played a spot?
Mania: Graciousness.
Pusher:DotA has plays family more bonus .HoN at present is also 5 troops is quite strong, but DotA has surpasses 40 top troops.

myMYM: About this competition's equipment, this PC monitor is quite small, this affected you?
Maelk: Also, I am not familiar with this kind of screen very much. Asks them.

Babyknight: I will not like the wide screen, the character will distort, otherwise two on the one hand opportunities will have black on the other hand.

myMYM: You also do not have the question?
Playmate: A spot also does not have the question.
Pusher: The athletic field computer was friends with have been many, before us went that Internet bar ratio. That machine Lian Datuan fights wants the card 0.1 to make war has several second elephant to tow is walking is the same, the server network question has been puzzling us, but the machine is but actually good.
Maelk: I thought that Paris's equipment preparation must compare previous time is much better in the US.

myMYM: I thought that the audience are also more rightly?
Maelk: We should have more audiences originally, but this time chose has conducted inside Disney, caused us to have several audiences majority of moreover is other contestant generally.

myMYM: Therefore you like in a other opening points place playing the competition?
Maelk: Right.

myMYM: Then your goal is the champion?
MYM people: Right.

myMYM: Then wished you in the surplus competition good luck.
MYM people: Many thanks.

