
girls clothes What nutrition lacks to cause the child nearsightedness

Brief content: The sack time few child nearsightedness, grows easily in the child the growth fast time, when specially 7-9 and 12-14 years old, if the sleep time are few, will cause the partial children to have the nearsightedness.

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Our family usually compares pays attention to child's eye health care, but the child has contracted the nearsightedness,girls clothes, why is this?

The clinical research indicated that several ten kind of factors and the nearsightedness form related, the most primary factor includes:

The sack time few child nearsightedness, grows easily in the child the growth fast time, when specially 7-9 and 12-14 years old, if the sleep time are few, will cause the partial children to have the nearsightedness.

When birth the body weight is low, every birth weight insufficient 2000 gram young children,discount designer children's clothes, because mainly its congenital maldevelopment, the day after tomorrow the bad factor will cause the axis oculi to grow has been long, puberty easily nearsightedness.

The premature infant, specially prematurely delivers 2 weeks or above 2 weeks the young child, often has the nearsightedness in childhood.

The parents are the nearsightedness, its children nearsightedness, its degree of hereditary transmission increases easily along with the shortsighted number of degree's deepening, generally speaking, - below 3.00D the shortsighted heredity are not many, is bigger than - the 6.00D high nearsightedness and the heredity close related.

Every day looked the television computer is bigger than for 2 hours, the eye and the television distance is smaller than 3 meters, when the long time reading distance is short in 30 centimeters, the most children will occur regard wearily, part of children will have the nearsightedness.

The partial eclipse, the partial eclipse may cause the child nutrition to lack.

1) lacks the calcium calcium element is the immediate influence eye to the light sensitive degree, lacks the calcium to be possible to cause the nerve and the Muscular tissue cell excitability advances, is at the nervous state frequently. The eyelash shape myo- hypertension, the direct pressure eyeball. The scierotic organization lacks the calcium, the elasticity and the reliable degree can drop, scierotic wall's degree of hardness is weaken, axis oculi extension.

2) the protein lacks the protein constitutes the Body tissue cell's raw material, likely builds when the house uses the brick, the steel bar and the cement are equally important. The protein insufficient supply, will affect young people's growth, will form the physique to be weak, easy to expand, causes around the eyeball the axle elongation, will form nearsightedness's refraction condition.

3) vitamin deficiency VA is the eye special need important nutrients, VC plays the maintenance scierotic organization perfect role, will lack VC, the scierotic organization will receive the hyaluronidase the function,(Related Articlescool kids clothes The construction dialog's platform, raises), will become very frail .VD lacks the immediate influence calcareous normal metabolism. This occurs with the nearsightedness has the close relationship.

Therefore, the low body weight, the premature infant and the parents nearsightedness's child, must arrive at the hospital inspection as soon as possible highly. The ordinary supervision child, fosters good with the eye custom, pays attention with the eye health, avoids the long time short distance using the eye, the limit to look that the television time < a half hour/day, the partial eclipse,children's clothes stores, little does not eat the sweets, the multi-food contain the Vitamin richly, the protein, calcareous food, strengthens the physical training, the enhancement physique, guarantees the sufficient sleep, to has diagnosed for the vera nearsightedness's child should have one's eyes tested and wear glasses the eyeglasses correctly, the regular reexamination, controls the nearsightedness to deepen as far as possible.

